
Models are capabilities to deliver units of analytical functions. As defined by, an artificial intelligence (AI) model is a program that analyzes datasets to find patterns and make predictions. TYS AI models represent the development and implementation of functions to address supplier analysis and risk prediction.

There are two types of TYS AI Models

Machine Learning models that consume large volumes of supplier-related data to enable classification, association, regression, decision-making and natural language processing. Machine Learning (ML) is designed to teach machines to operate and optimize themselves. With ML, the machine will learn from previous decisions to improve risk predictions and mitigation strategies over time.

Generative AI refers to models or algorithms that create brand-new output, such as text, photos, videos, code, data, or 3D renderings, from the vast amounts of data they are trained on. These models learn unsupervised by identifying patterns in data. TYS GenAI models will focus on units of functions to support TYS FAQs, supplier discovery, chats, and QAs about ESG, and regulatory compliance to name a few. Currently, there are 4 models each exploring capabilities that TYS can exploit.

Chainyard Approach Your Path to Enterprise AI

  • Holistic Opportunity Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and Adoption Strategy
  • Leverage peer and emerging technologies such as IoT and Blockchain
  • As appropriate, use open-source platforms, pre-built models, patterns, and code
  • Help establish an organizational foundation to serve long-term vision
  • Focus on “Enterprise Solutions” that leverage technology to deliver “Business Value”
  • Baby steps to enable the enterprise to educate, embrace, experiment, and adopt Enterprise AI

The diagram above represents the TYS Architecture Vision that combines both the blockchain-enabled business network with intelligent AI and ML models.